Saturday, June 18, 2011

Could it be true?

Ok, it's not that crazy, but it's a big deal to me.

Looky look! They are holding their own bottles!!! I've been waiting for this day for a long, long time! Does this mean my babies are growing up? They don't even need me to hold their bottles anymore. Now only if I can teach them to change their own diapers...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Summer Fun

We were finally able to trade our winter coats for summer hats and swimsuits.


And it has been wonderful. There are a couple rosy-cheeked water babies around here that love to splash and shimmy all around the kiddie pool at Seven Peaks, our local water park.

Avery has too much to do to pose for pictures

We've gone almost everyday, and it has been refreshing. Most days we wait until the late afternoon so Andrew can come and watch the little fish with me. Our favorite activity at the water park is to sit in the shallows of the wave pool with babies in our laps. The babies think this is the bee's knees. They sit all slumped and relaxed as the warm sun wraps around them and the waves tickle their toes. They also like to yell at the big kids as they splash in and out of the pool.

Taking walks has also been on the agenda lately. During the day I'll take them out in the stroller for a long walk around the neighborhood across the street. The babies usually drift to sleep and I get some nice quiet time. I like to look at the houses and make mental notes to what I want someday in my future home. It's always fun to wish.

This summer is off to a good start.